As you know, VBCF is working with the National Breast Cancer Coalition (NBCC) to enact federal legislation that would waive the 24-month waiting period for Medicare eligibility and the 5-month waiting period for Social Security Disability Insurance benefits for individuals with metastatic breast cancer.
As of July 26th, not one of Virginia’s US Senators or Members of Congress have signed on to support the Metastatic Breast Cancer Access to Care Act. Congress is about to take their summer August recess and it’s a great time to reach out to your legislator while they are home in district. Hearing directly from constituents is essential. Please see details below from NBCC. THANK YOU!
It is time to act!! August Recess Action Items
Our grassroots network is doing great work gaining cosponsors in support of the Metastatic Breast Cancer Access to Care Act, H.R. 2178/S. 1374, legislation to waive the 24 month waiting period for Medicare eligibility and the 5 month waiting period for Social Security Disability Insurance benefits for individuals with metastatic breast cancer. The bill currently has 101 cosponsors in the House and 7 cosponsors in the Senate. But there is more work to do.
The 116th Congress will adjourn for August recess on July 26 in the House and on August 2 for the Senate through September 9. During this time Representatives and Senators spend time in their home districts. This is our opportunity to act and contact them when they are not on the Hill and ask them to support NBCC’s priorities.
Visit NBCC’s August Recess Action Items page and learn more about how you can help gain support for this important legislation.
*Please let me know if you have questions or your legislator agrees to co-sponsor the bill: kirsta@vbcf.org or by filling out the Advocacy Activity Tracker