Jackie, Mechanicsville
Please tell us when you were diagnosed and at what age. I was first diagnosed in 2008 at the age of 54. I was diagnosed a second time in 2011.
What stage and type of breast cancer were you diagnosed with? In 2008 my cancer was Stage 1 invasive DCIS estrogen positive. In 2011 I was diagnosed with Stage 0 DCIS.
How was your breast cancer initially detected? On both occasions, the cancer was detected through an annual mammogram.
How did you feel when you first received your diagnosis? When I first received my diagnosis I was scared. So many questions and concerns went through my head. I was worried about my family. There is so much information needed and decisions to be made. I felt powerless.
When I received my second diagnosis it was still devastating to hear but because I had all my doctors in place things seemed to move along and decisions were made much more quickly.
Do you have a family history of breast cancer? I do not have a family history of breast cancer.
Did you have a support system? If not, how did you overcome or find it? I was very fortunate to have family and friends to support me through surgery and treatment.
What was your treatment process? In 2008, I had a lumpectomy and seven weeks of radiation. In 2011 my diagnosis was in the same breast as 2008. I was required to have a mastectomy with no additional treatment.
What message would you like to provide to others facing a diagnosis? For me, the hardest part was the unknown. Once I knew what was ahead I found I could handle what was to come. If you have a support system take advantage of their love for you.