Insurance Resources


Patient Advocate Foundation
800-532-5274 |
Provides directories and resources to patients in need of healthcare insurance.

Virginia State Corporation Commission Bureau of Insurance
Provides free professional information and complaint services to all residents of Virginia regarding services received from insurance companies and insurance agencies.


Abramson Cancer Center of the University of Pennsylvania
Cancer resources for patients and healthcare professionals.

American Cancer Society
800-ACS-2345 |
Provides information on rights as a patient, what to expect from employers, and how to handle insurance issues.

American Childhood Cancer Organization
855-858-2226 |
Addresses the needs of families through programs that emphasize information, advocacy, awareness, and research.

Cancer Care, INC.
800-813-4673 |
Provides professional social work support free of charge, and based on need, financial assistance for transportation, home health care, and childcare.

Cancer Survival Toolbox offered by the National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship
Provides information to patients on how to better understand the challenges of their illness.

Center for Medicare Advocacy, Inc.
860-456-7790 |
Non-profit organization that helps elders and people with disabilities obtain necessary healthcare.

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
800-633-4227 | /
Information about obtaining Medicare health coverage.

Coalition of National Cooperative Cancer Groups, Inc.
877-520-4457 |
Gives information about insurance coverage and clinical trials.

Health Insurance Association of America
202-778-3200 |
Offers guides that explain various types of insurance including: private, Obamacare, Medicare, and Medicaid.

Insurance Information Institute
Provides information about the insurance industry.

National Cancer Institute
800-422-6237 |
Provides information on how to cope with symptoms and side effects of cancer.

National Insurance Consumer Helpline
Free helpline for consumers with issues or questions dealing with insurance.

National Partnership for Women and Families
202-986-2600 |
Gives information about Family and Medical Leave Act.

Partnership for Prescription Assistance
1-888-4PPA-NOW (477-2669) |
Call to receive a free guide on pharmaceutical assistance programs or check website to search for programs.

State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP)
1-800-552-3402 |
Free counseling service for individuals on Medicare.