When people have health insurance, there are some medical services that are covered at no cost to the patient, and a screening mammogram for women over 40 is one of those services. As of January 1, 2019, Virginia expanded eligibility for the state’s Medicaid program, so an estimated 400,000 additional Virginians will be able to get insurance coverage. Mammograms are currently the best screening tests available to catch breast cancer early, therefore VBCF encourages people to talk to a doctor and have a plan for mammogram screenings. If you are uninsured and seeking a mammogram, please check in with these resources FIRST to see if you qualify for coverage:
Coverva.org – State health insurance program
- Virginia resident
- Age 19-64
- Not enrolled in or qualified for Medicare
- Meet income limits
- If you have applied for Medicaid in Virginia and have been denied in previous years, apply again! The rules have changed and more people are now able to sign up.
Healthcare.gov – Private health insurance
- Open Enrollment period every fall
- Special Enrollment period if your life has had certain changes
- Many people qualify for money off of their premiums
For help signing up, visit http://www.enrollva.org/get-help/
Free or Low-Cost Mammograms
If you are not eligible for insurance coverage through those programs, here are some other resources that might help you access a free or lower-cost mammogram:
Every Woman’s Life – Free mammograms for uninsured
Reach Out for Life -Free mammograms for uninsured/underinsured *CENTRAL VIRGINIA ONLY*
(804) 977-3920
Virginia Association of Free Clinics -Healthcare for uninsured/underinsured
VBCF’s Screening & Diagnostic Fund – Screening and diagnostic mammograms, ultrasounds, biopsies, and MRIs for uninsured and underinsured women and men *CENTRAL & SOUTHWEST VIRGINIA ONLY*
Virginia Community Health Centers -Healthcare for uninsured/underinsured
Need Help? VBCF is here for you.
Connect with our Resource Coordinator, Nikki Jennings. Call 1-800-345-8223, email help@vbcf.org or click the chat bubble at the lower right of this page.