30 Years of Essential Breast Cancer Resources

How do I support my loved one going through breast cancer treatment? 

What do I ask my doctor during my follow-up visit?

I’m a breast cancer survivor! What now?

Over the last 30 years, VBCF has received many questions just like these and more. Our mission is to provide the very best information and tools from trusted sources to help answer them. We search out the latest and most helpful resources to share and find new ways to share them – through one-on-one phone assistance, by mail, on our website, social media, and blog, and now, virtually with our educational webinars.  

Here are some examples of our latest and updated resources. And make sure to check out vbcf.org for all we have to offer.

Navigating Breast Cancer: A Road Map for the Newly Diagnosed Virginian

Our first guide for the newly diagnosed was developed in 2002. Every Newly Diagnosed packet comes with a hand-sewn comfort pillow donated by the Central VA Chapter of the American Sewing Guild. Key resources include: how to find a clinical trial, patient navigators in every region of the state, local support groups in your area, how to deal with physical changes after breast cancer treatment, and more. VBCF staff recently updated the entire packet in 2021 to reflect the various changes due to COVID-19 and continues to monitor updates throughout the year.

People with Disabilities and Access to Breast Cancer Screening

Resources include a list of questions and a sample script for how you can talk to a provider about your specific accommodations/needs in order to receive a breast cancer screening.


Resources to help members of the LGBTQ+ community better understand their breast cancer risk, issues around diagnosis and treatment, finding a treatment team, and emotional support.

Caregiver Packet

Our caregiver packet includes information on how to handle some of the logistics of caring for someone with breast cancer, the medical aspects, and taking care of the home. Guides on how to keep track of medications and take notes at doctor’s appointments, balancing employment and caregiving, and how the caregiver can continue to care for themselves when they have all of these new responsibilities of caring for their loved one are all included. 

Survivor Packet

Resources to help patients with the shift from being actively in treatment to a survivor include developing a survivorship plan and information on how to stay healthy mentally and physically. Many survivors also benefit from continuing their involvement with support groups in their area and participating in advocacy efforts with VBCF.

Free Educational Webinars

Starting in 2020 to adapt to the new challenges of Covid, VBCF has produced almost a dozen educational webinars that are available on our website to watch at any time. Topics include Health Insurance Options, Breast Cancer and Heart Health, and Treatment Updates in Metastatic Breast Cancer. 

I would like to express my profound thanks for the dedication, perseverance and hard work that you continue to offer to women like me, who must deal with the ravages of this insidious disease. I will always be grateful for the compassion and solid information offered to me, not once, but two times when I was fighting the war to beat breast cancer. It is very comforting to me to know that your organization continues to help women (and men), like me, wage this overwhelming offensive! Thank you all for your many efforts. 

Melissa S.

Do you have any suggestions on what additional resources we should include? Please send them to Nikki at nikki@vbcf.org.

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